FORESMA’s next meeting is: Monday, Jan. 13 at 7 p.m. in person in the RESMS orchestra room. Check our meetings page for meeting details and calendar for future dates.

Dine-Out nights

Attend one of our dine-out fundraising events and support the business community that supports us! These businesses donate a portion of the sales directly back to FORESMA.

Taco Del Mar Greenwood - last Taco Tuesday of the month, January to April: Jan 28, Feb 25, March 25 and April 29 / Greenwood location, 4-10 p.m. / 15% to FORESMA / Dine-in, delivery and takeout / No code needed.

Tutta Bella - 2nd Sunday-Thursday of the month, February to May: Feb 9-13, March 9-13, Apr 6-10, May 11-15 / All 7 locations, all day / 15% to FORESMA / Dine-in, delivery, takeout / Code: EasyAsPieFORESMA

Print page two of this flyer to share with local community centers, neighbors and social media sites.

Performance Attire - Exchange / Donation Rack

A resource for everyone! There is a donation rack in the music room for gently-used black performance clothing. Borrow, exchange, donate. Students are growing quickly in middle school and everyone is always changing sizes. You don’t have to bring something to take something. (More info at the “Music” tab at the top of this page, under “Performance Attire”)


  • Please wash clothes / clean shoes and clearly label shoe size

  • Bring to the front office (specifying it is for the music rack)

TO TAKE: Clothes and shoes are available...

  • On the rack in music room (ask your teacher)

Music Program Fee - due now

At the beginning of each school year, we ask that each music student who can contribute $45 as a program fee for the year.

These funds supplement districts funds and our fundraising efforts and help pay for activities including small group coaching, instrument purchases & repairs, sheet music, instrument reeds, strings, oils, transportation to performance trips & competitions, a t-shirt for each student, and more. Suggested deadline is Oct. 31.

This fee is key to the success of our music program.

FORESMA seeking VOLUNTEERS for 2024-2025

Enthusiastic about the music program? Consider volunteering with FORESMA this coming year - we need your help!

  • Board PTSA Liaison- All year board position: represent FORESMA board at PTSA meetings and report back on PTSA updates at FORESMA board meetings

  • Concert Concession Stand Volunteer - we sell Banh Mi sandwiches, drinks, chips and desserts and all proceeds stay at RESMS music programs. Enjoy the concert AND volunteer while you’re there!

  • Bake Sale Item Donations for Concerts - bring in a dessert or other item (Signup Genius comes out 2 weeks before concerts so you can sign up for what you want)

  • Chaperone at field trips and parades - details of what is needed will be sent out by your child’s music teachers

Contact us with this form or email our board chairs at to learn more about any of these positions. We would love to have you!

How can you get involved?


We welcome your help as a one-time gig (bake a batch of cookies?) or as an ongoing thing (be a band or orchestra concert coordinator?). See the volunteer page for details.

Read the Raven’s Call (PTSA) Newsletter

Look for an email from “Friends of Robert Eagle Staff Middle School” ( or ask to be added to their listserv. Get weekly updates on all RESMS music events.

Follow Us on Facebook

FORESMA has regular updates on Facebook and is monitored by our Board so that you can get answers!


See all the events Robert Eagle Staff Middle School music programs have going on now and in the future.

Make a donation

Funds support instruction, instruments and music, and opportunities for students to travel and perform. Donations are tax deductible. Corporate match info is here.


All are welcome! FORESMA meets on the second Mondays of the month, from 7-8pm. Get the virtual link here or check out our previous meeting minutes

Learn more about Robert Eagle staff MS

Check out the PTSA website

Check out the RESMS school website

FORESMA (Friends of Robert Eagle Staff Musical Arts) is a booster group that supports the music programs at Robert Eagle Staff Middle School.

Through fundraising and outreach, it ensures all interested students, regardless of their background or musical experience, have access to music education and the opportunity to develop a passion for music. Last year almost 1/2 of the student body (350 students) were enrolled in music programs!